Hampton HVAC Services
Providing Home Comfort Products and Services Since 1999
The weather in South Carolina can swing from hot and sweltering to chilly and windy. You won’t be able to survive the summer without a functioning air conditioner, and while our winters are short, you may find you need to turn the heater on during the winter, too. Indoor temperature control ends up being vital to home ownership in Hampton and coastal South Carolina.
Reliable AC Repair & Replacement
When your air conditioner is acting up, it can be difficult to know whether it’s a major problem that requires a brand new air conditioner or something you can solve with a quick call to our AC repair professionals. The important thing to remember is when encountering problems with you air conditioner, you should always inspect your system for issues. Never leave the problem hoping it will pass or get better. Your system may be operating, but making noises or cycling is how your system signals it needs repairs. Just because it’s working now is not a sign it’s not a problem. Your system could be working on borrowed time. While some issues are obvious signs you need to call and schedule an inspection, others may not be as clear.
Here are some things you can look out for:
- Weird Noises: Clanging, buzzing, and grinding noise are all signs that your system needs attention.
- Odd Smells: After a long season of not operating your system, it’s common for it to initially have a strange odor, but if you smell smoke or any odor that smells like burning parts, you need to call for inspection.
- Spiking Energy Bills: Like most machines, time causes appliances and machines to break from wear and tear. Regular tune-ups and maintenance can prevent your system from becoming inefficient and expensive.
- Leaks: When your AC unit leaks, it’s a sign that your system needs inspection, the leak could come from a few areas, so having a professional check is important to determining what repairs you need.
- Poor Airflow: When the air isn’t coming from your vents with a steady flow, it can be a sign there’s a blockage in your ductwork.
Call us today at (803) 573-4032 or contact us online for heating and AC repairs or replacement in Hampton.
Quality Heating Repair Services
At Freedom Air Heating and Air Conditioning, we realize that your home comfort system is important, and your home is almost unlivable without it. It’s not uncommon for the heat to smell or make noises when it first starts during the beginning of the usage season. Don't ignore issues with your heater just because our winters are short and mild.
When winter arrives, you want to be ready, not left on the sidelines worrying about whether you will be able to warm your home. The best thing you can do with a failing heater is to move quickly as soon as you see signs of a problem. You want to address problems as they arise and not wait until it’s a better time for your schedule. Here are some signs you should watch for and move to repair sooner rather than later.
- Strange noises: Your HVAC system shouldn’t be noisy when operating. If it’s loud, that’s a problem.
- Odd Odors: Any weird smells should subside after the first day of usage after the start of the season. Burning smells or musty odors aren’t acceptable or normal for everyday usage.
- Pilot Light Problems: If your pilot light isn’t saying on or it’s the right color, then you need to call for assistance. Your pilot light should be blue not yellow.
- Large Heating Bills: Large heating bills is a sign your system is working harder than usually. System inspection can help identify the problem.
- Inefficient heating system: An inefficient heating system can cost more than repairs. By operating an inefficient system, you could be doing damage to your furnace and racking up large energy bills.
For Dependable Same-Day Service Call our Experts Today
At Freedom Air Heating and Air Conditioning, we are pleased to offer same-day appointments for all your heating and air conditioning repair services in Hampton to keep your home's air quality in top shape. Our team is available to fix your failing heating and cooling system whenever you need help! When you realize your systems need repairs, call in our Hampton HVAC specialists at (803) 573-4032 or contact us online for more information about our services.

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